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Attendance at Belmar School of Integrated Arts

Attendance Line

On-time, daily attendance is critical for student success. Please call to notify of absences or tardies before 8:45 a.m.

Attendance Line: 303-982-8189

When you call the attendance line, please leave:

  • Student’s name (spell the last name)
  • Student’s teacher and grade level
  • Date and reason for absence
  • Parent/guardian’s name
  • Telephone number where you can be reached during the day.

Regular daily attendance in class is an important factor in student success! Absences have a negative effect upon instructional continuity, regardless of the attempts to make up work. Regular contact with the teacher and other students at school are an important part of learning.

  • School Hours are 8:15 a.m. to 3:05 p.m.
  • Soft Start process begins at 8 a.m., and students may enter their classrooms and begin preparations for a great day.
  • Adult supervision on school grounds begins at 8 a.m. and students should not arrive at school before then, unless they are having breakfast.
  • Breakfast is served at 7:45 a.m.


Attendance in Jeffco

The importance of regular, daily school attendance as a basis for academic achievement cannot be overemphasized. Attendance is a shared responsibility of the student, the families and the school.

It is the family’s responsibility to ensure their student attends school and to notify the school when their student is absent for a legitimate reason, such as an illness or family emergency. Each family should also ensure their student’s school has their correct contact information so that the school is able to communicate about any attendance issues that may arise.